Wednesday, June 6, 2012


In an hour I am heading to my hair salon to get my hair cut, and im getting pink put in!! XD I am extremely excited!! This is a ridiculously short post but i had  to tell y'all! I'll post pick tomorrow or maybe when i get back if its not too late! XD Wish me luck!

Signing Off, Liz!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Earrings SICK DAY!!



SO These are the earrings! Please ignore the bad photoshopping!! DX I was in a hurry, and the focus are the earrings not me, so yeah! ;) The ? and the ! are my tribute to G - Dragon!! Ohh I'm sick again!! D:  I must have a really bad imune system! Although i really like how the ! picture turned out!! I had to give my cat a bath, and she was drying herself off on the window sill so i took a picture!!
She is soo cute!!

Signing off, Liz!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

OOTD + Update

I am so chubby.... DX

OMG!! I am so sorry for being gone so long!! I was really busy with school, LOTS of tests and fundraising for my grad party! XD SO im still growing, obviously, (im 13, NO STALKERS! D8<) And i think i look a little better every post~! My school has grad because im finally going to high school!! YAY!! (FINALLY!) So i have some updates, i made earrings! I made the cupcake earrings in the pics, and some other ones ill post later!! Im so glad to be back! OOH Im getting a hair cut on Wednesday! Has any1 heard Bigbang's Monster yet? It is the definition of AMAZERING! My outfit is a pair of American Eagle shorts, a belt i got at a church sale, the shirt is an old one of mine, the vest/cardigan is something i always wear with shorts, and the purse is the same purse i  believe i posted before!It was hard to get a good pic, need to get a new camera soon!! XD

Signing Off, Liz!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Sick Day DX

Im sick... It was my birthday yesterday... I was also sick yesterday.. I did get some new circle lenses today! and due to boredom, i took a new photo, finally!! Oh i got new glasses too! Are they not awesome!?!  They're Geo Super Angel purple! In my neighborhood mall they actually have this little kiosk with bunches of circle lenses, fake nail, lashes, nail art stuff, everything! Its awesome! The contacts are only $23 a pair and $40 for 2! I don't have to pay shipping, its an awesome price, and i only have to walk to the mall! I hope my followers haven't abandoned me just yet! I plan to dye my hair pink, purple, and everything else in two months. So things WILL get more interesting! Especially since I'll get the chance to blog all summer! XD

Signing Off, Liz!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Update, April Fools Day!!

I HATE YOU ALL! (AFD jk) XD I mean I Luv Yo All! Sorry there have been like no posts! Im really busy with school! XP
That is my kitty miku! Ok bye! LOL

Signing Off, Liz!

Saturday, March 17, 2012


My writing is horrible!!! 1:20 in the morning!! O-O So yeah I was bored and i saw these amazing dresses!!  Obviously following her blog now. I know it looks nothing like any of them... but I think i did ok since it's only my forth time painting a person.. Yeah.. Hehe. Oh i keep forgetting to say this but i REALLY like comments and i would love feedback on different looks and my art even... OOH i watched Sixteen Candles, A couple of hours ago.

Signing Off, Liz!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Drawings Update

Ok I finally got around to it!! There's 2 designs and 1 random draw. They were all done this week. (OH!! I finished Mass Effect 3 again! Im restarting Mass effect 2, Then once i finish ME2 Im gonna restart ME3 with my imported ME2 character!! Im such a geek... XP) oooh!! If you're a K-pop fan, Then go here-     And vote for the next Music monday!!, Also go vote for Either BigBang or TVXQ! (i voted for BigBang of course... Not that i don't love TVXQ) Here are the 2 designs (at the bottom area)

Then The drawing, This is my favorite! (down a bit)

They're both so dark... sorry!
I take all my fotos' with my Ipod..(i like this design better)